Welcome to Polygon CDK Tech Docs

Welcome to the official documentation for the Polygon CDK (Chain Development Kit). This guide will help you get started with building and deploying rollups using the Polygon CDK.

Getting Started

To get started with Polygon CDK, follow these steps:

  1. Getting Started


Explore the comprehensive documentation to understand the various features and capabilities of the Polygon CDK:


Happy coding with Polygon CDK!

Setup environment to local debug on VSCode


  • Working and running kurtosis-cdk environment setup.
  • In test/scripts/env.sh setup KURTOSIS_FOLDER pointing to your setup.


Use your WIP branch in Kurtosis as needed

Create configuration for this kurtosis environment


Stop cdk-node started by Kurtosis

kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 cdk-node-001

Add to vscode launch.json

After execution scripts/local_config it suggest an entry for launch.json configurations

CDK DA Integration

The purpose of this document is to explain how a 3rd Party Data Availability (DA) solution can integrate with CDK.


The code outlined in this document is under development, and while we’re confident that it will be ready for production in a few weeks, it is currently under heavy development.

For the first iteration of integrations, on-chain verification is not expected. Although this document shows how this could be done at the contract level (doing such a thing on the ZKPs is out of the scope right now). In any case, Agglayer will assert that the data is actually available before settling ZKPs.

Smart Contracts

The versions of the smart contracts that are being targeted for the DA integrations are found in zkevm-contracts @ feature/banana. This new version of the contracts allow for multiple “consensus” implementations but there are two that are included by default:

  • zkEVM to implement a rollup.
  • Validium to implement a validium.
  • Adding a custom solution.

This document only considers the first approach, reusing the PolygonValidium consensus. That being said, the PolygonValidium implementation allows a custom smart contract to be used in the relevant interaction. This could be used by DAs to add custom on-chain verification logic. While verifying the DA integrity is optional, any new protocol will need to develop a custom smart contract in order to be successfully integrated (more details bellow)

This is by far the most relevant part of the contract for DAs:

    function sequenceBatchesValidium(
        ValidiumBatchData[] calldata batches,
        uint32 indexL1InfoRoot,
        uint64 maxSequenceTimestamp,
        bytes32 expectedFinalAccInputHash,
        address l2Coinbase,
        bytes calldata dataAvailabilityMessage
    ) external onlyTrustedSequencer {

And in particular this piece of code:

    // Validate that the data availability protocol accepts the dataAvailabilityMessage
    // note This is a view function, so there's not much risk even if this contract was vulnerable to reentrant attacks

It's expected that any protocol build their own contract that follows this interface, in the same way that the PolygonDataCommittee does. The implementation of verifyMessage is dependant on each protocol, and in a first iteration could be "dummy", since the AggLayer will ensure that the DA is actually available anyway. That being said we expect protocol integrations to evolve towards "trustless verification"

Setup the Node

In order to integrate a DA solution into CDK, the most fundamental part is for the node to be able to post and retrieve data from the DA backend.

Up until now, DAs would fork the cdk-validium-node repo to make such an integration. But maintaining forks can be really painful, so the team is proposing this solution that will allow the different DAs to be 1st class citizens and live on the official cdk repo.

These items would need to be implemented to have a successful integration:

  1. Create a repository that will host the package that implements this interface. You can check how is done for the DAC case as an example.
  2. Add a new entry on the supported backend strings
  3. [OPTIONAL] Add a config struct in the new package, and add the struct inside the main data availability config struct, this way your package will be able to receive custom configuration using the main config file of the node.
  4. go get and instantiate your package and use it to create the main data availability instance, as done in the Polygon implementation.


By default all E2E tests will run using the DAC. It’s possible to run the E2E test using other DA backends changing the test config file.

Test the integration

  1. Create an E2E test that uses your protocol by following the test/e2e/datacommittee_test.go example.
  2. Follow the instructions on Local Debug to run Kurtosis enviroment for local testing
  3. Deploy the new contract contract to L1 running in Kurtosis
  4. Call setDataAvailabilityProtocol in validium consensus contract to use the newly deployed contract.
  5. Modify the Makefile to be able to run your test, take the case of the DAC test as an example here

Example flow

  1. Sequencer groups N batches of arbitrary size into a sequence
  2. Sequencer calls PostSequence
  3. The DA BAckend implementation decides to split the N batches into M chunks, so they fit as good as possible to the size of the DA blobs of the protocol (or other considerations that the protocol may have)
  4. The DA BAckend crafts the dataAvailabilityMessage, this is optional but could be used to:
    • Verify the existance of the data on the DA backend on L1 (this message will be passed down to the DA smart contract, and it could include merkle proofs, ...). Realisitcally speaking, we don't expect to be implemented on a first iteration
    • Help the data retrival process, for instance by including the block height or root of the blobs used to store the data. If many DA blobs are used to store a single sequence, one interesting trick would be to post some metadata in another blob, or the lates used blob, that points to the other used blobs. This way only the pointer to the metadata is needed to include into the dataAvailabilityMessage (since this message will be posted as part of the calldata, it's interesting to minimize it's size)
  5. The sequencer posts the sequence on L1, including the dataAvailabilityMessage. On that call, the DA smart contract will be called. This can be used to validate that the DA protocol has been used as expected (optional)
  6. After that happens, any node synchronizing the network will realise of it through an event of the smart contract, and will be able to retrieve the hashes of each batch and the dataAvailabilityMessage
  7. And so it will be able to call GetSequence(hashes common.Hash, dataAvailabilityMessage []byte) to the DA Backend
  8. The DA BAckend will then retrieve the data, and return it

Integrating non-EVM systems

This guide explains how to connect a third-party execution environment to the AggLayer using the CDK.

Important note

The following information is experimental, and there aren't any working examples of non-EVM integrations with the AggLayer yet. While we know what needs to be done conceptually, the implementation details are likely to evolve. Think of this as a rough overview of the effort involved, rather than a step-by-step guide towards a production deployment.

Key Concepts

Any system (chain or not chain) should be able to interact with the unified LxLy bridge and settle using the AggLayer; especially when using the Pessimistic Proof option. Support for additional proofs, such as consensus, execution, or data availability are planned for the future. But, for now, this guide is based solely on using the Pessimistic Proof for settlement.

The CDK client handles the integration with both the unified LxLy bridge and AggLayer. Think of it as an SDK to bring your project into the AggLayer ecosystem. You'll need to write some custom code in an adapter/plugin style so that the CDK client can connect with your service.

In some cases, you might need to write code in Go. When that happens, the code should be in a separate repo and imported into the CDK as a dependency. The goal is to provide implementations that can interact with the smart contracts of the system being integrated, allowing the CDK client to reuse the same logic across different systems. Basically, you’ll need to create some adapters for the new system, while the existing code handles the rest.

Components for integration

Smart contracts

For EVM-based integrations, there are two relevant smart contracts:

The integrated system needs to implement similar functionality. It doesn't have to be a smart contract per se, and it doesn't need to be split into two parts, but it should perform the functions that we list here:

  • Bridge assets and messages to other networks.
  • Handle incoming asset/message claims.
  • Export local exit roots (a hash needed for other networks to claim assets).
  • Import global exit roots (a hash needed for processing bridge claims).


This component imports global exit roots into the smart contract(s). It should be implemented as a Go package, using the EVM example as a reference. It should implement the ChainSender interface defined here.


BridgeSync synchronizes information about bridges and claims originating from the L2 service attached to the CDK client. In other words, it monitors what's happening with the bridge smart contract, collects the necessary data for interacting with the AggLayer, and feeds the bridge service to enable claims on destination networks.

Heads up: These interfaces may change.

To process events from non-EVM systems, you'll need a downloader and driver. The current setup needs some tweaks to support custom implementations. In short, you need to work with the Processor, particularly the ProcessorInterface found here. The Events in Block are just interfaces, which should be parsed as Event structs defined in the Processor.

Claim sponsor

This component performs claims on behalf of users, which is crucial for systems with "gas" fees (transaction costs). Without it, gas-based systems could face a chicken/egg situation: How can users pay for a claim if they need a previous claim to get the funds to pay for it?

The claim sponsor is optional and may not be needed in some setups. The bridge RPC includes a config parameter to enable or disable it. To implement a claim sponsor that can perform claim transactions on the bridge smart contract, you'll need to implement the ClaimSender interface, defined here.

Last GER sync

Warning: These interfaces may also change.

This component tracks which global exit roots have been imported. It helps the bridge service know when incoming bridges are ready to be claimed. The work needed is similar to that for the bridge sync: Implement the ProcessorInterface, with events of type Event defined here.

Additional considerations


Once all components are implemented, the network should be connected to the unified LxLy bridge. However, keep in mind:

  • Outgoing bridges should work with current tools and UIs, but incoming bridges may not. When using the claim sponsor, things should just work. However, the claim sponsor is optional... The point being that the existing UIs are built to send EVM transactions to make the claim in the absence of claim sponsor. So any claim interaction beyond the auto-claim functionality will need UIs and tooling that are out of the sope of the CDK.
  • Bridging assets/messages to another network is specific to the integrated system. You'll need to create mechanisms to interact with the bridge smart contract of your service for these actions.
  • We’re moving towards an in-CDK bridge service (spec here), replacing the current separate service (here). There's no stable API yet, and SDKs/UIs are still in development.


AggLayer integration will work once the components are ready, but initially, it will only support Pessimistic Proof. Later updates will add more security features like execution proofs, consensus proofs, data availability, and forced transactions. These will be optional, while Pessimistic Proof will remain mandatory.

AggOracle Component - Developer Documentation


The AggOracle component ensures the Global Exit Root (GER) is propagated from L1 to the L2 sovereign chain smart contract. This is critical for enabling asset and message bridging between chains.

The GER is picked up from the smart contract by LastGERSyncer for local storage.

Key Components:

  • ChainSender: Interface for submitting GERs to the smart contract.
  • EVMChainGERSender: An implementation of ChainSender.


What is Global Exit Root (GER)?

The Global Exit Root consolidates:

  • Mainnet Exit Root (MER): Updated during bridge transactions from L1.

  • Rollup Exit Root (RER): Updated when verified rollup batches are submitted via ZKP.

      GER = hash(MER, RER)


  1. Fetch Finalized GER:
    • AggOracle retrieves the latest GER finalized on L1.
  2. Check GER Injection:
    • Confirms whether the GER is already stored in the smart contract.
  3. Inject GER:
    • If missing, AggOracle submits the GER via the insertGlobalExitRoot function.
  4. Sync Locally:
    • LastGERSyncer fetches and stores the GER locally for downstream use.

The sequence diagram below depicts the interaction in the AggOracle.

    participant AggOracle
    participant ChainSender
    participant L1InfoTreer
    participant L1Client

    AggOracle->>AggOracle: start
    loop trigger on preconfigured frequency
        AggOracle->>AggOracle: process latest GER
        AggOracle->>L1InfoTreer: get last finalized GER
        alt targetBlockNum == 0
            AggOracle->>L1Client: get (latest) header by number
            L1Client-->>AggOracle: the latest header
            AggOracle->>L1InfoTreer: get latest L1 info tree until provided header
            L1InfoTreer-->>AggOracle: global exit root (from L1 info tree)
            AggOracle->>L1InfoTreer: get latest L1 info tree until provided header
            L1InfoTreer-->>AggOracle: global exit root (from L1 info tree)
        AggOracle->>ChainSender: check is GER injected
        ChainSender-->>AggOracle: isGERInjected result
        alt is GER injected
            AggOracle->>AggOracle: log GER already injected
            AggOracle->>ChainSender: inject GER
            ChainSender-->>AggOracle: GER injection result
    AggOracle->>AggOracle: handle GER processing error

Key Components

1. AggOracle

The AggOracle fetches the finalized GER and ensures its injection into the L2 smart contract.


  • Start: Periodically processes GER updates using a ticker.
  • processLatestGER: Checks if the GER exists and injects it if necessary.
  • getLastFinalizedGER: Retrieves the latest finalized GER based on block finality.

2. ChainSender Interface

Defines the interface for submitting GERs.

IsGERInjected(ger common.Hash) (bool, error)
InjectGER(ctx context.Context, ger common.Hash) error

3. EVMChainGERSender

Implements ChainSender using Ethereum clients and transaction management.


  • IsGERInjected: Verifies GER presence in the smart contract.
  • InjectGER: Submits the GER using the insertGlobalExitRoot method and monitors transaction status.

Smart Contract Integration


The AggOracle component automates the propagation of GERs from L1 to L2, enabling bridging across networks.

Refer to the EVM implementation in evm.go for guidance on building new chain senders.