AggOracle Component - Developer Documentation


The AggOracle component ensures the Global Exit Root (GER) is propagated from L1 to the L2 sovereign chain smart contract. This is critical for enabling asset and message bridging between chains.

The GER is picked up from the smart contract by LastGERSyncer for local storage.

Key Components:

  • ChainSender: Interface for submitting GERs to the smart contract.
  • EVMChainGERSender: An implementation of ChainSender.


What is Global Exit Root (GER)?

The Global Exit Root consolidates:

  • Mainnet Exit Root (MER): Updated during bridge transactions from L1.

  • Rollup Exit Root (RER): Updated when verified rollup batches are submitted via ZKP.

      GER = hash(MER, RER)


  1. Fetch Finalized GER:
    • AggOracle retrieves the latest GER finalized on L1.
  2. Check GER Injection:
    • Confirms whether the GER is already stored in the smart contract.
  3. Inject GER:
    • If missing, AggOracle submits the GER via the insertGlobalExitRoot function.
  4. Sync Locally:
    • LastGERSyncer fetches and stores the GER locally for downstream use.

The sequence diagram below depicts the interaction in the AggOracle.

    participant AggOracle
    participant ChainSender
    participant L1InfoTreer
    participant L1Client

    AggOracle->>AggOracle: start
    loop trigger on preconfigured frequency
        AggOracle->>AggOracle: process latest GER
        AggOracle->>L1InfoTreer: get last finalized GER
        alt targetBlockNum == 0
            AggOracle->>L1Client: get (latest) header by number
            L1Client-->>AggOracle: the latest header
            AggOracle->>L1InfoTreer: get latest L1 info tree until provided header
            L1InfoTreer-->>AggOracle: global exit root (from L1 info tree)
            AggOracle->>L1InfoTreer: get latest L1 info tree until provided header
            L1InfoTreer-->>AggOracle: global exit root (from L1 info tree)
        AggOracle->>ChainSender: check is GER injected
        ChainSender-->>AggOracle: isGERInjected result
        alt is GER injected
            AggOracle->>AggOracle: log GER already injected
            AggOracle->>ChainSender: inject GER
            ChainSender-->>AggOracle: GER injection result
    AggOracle->>AggOracle: handle GER processing error

Key Components

1. AggOracle

The AggOracle fetches the finalized GER and ensures its injection into the L2 smart contract.


  • Start: Periodically processes GER updates using a ticker.
  • processLatestGER: Checks if the GER exists and injects it if necessary.
  • getLastFinalizedGER: Retrieves the latest finalized GER based on block finality.

2. ChainSender Interface

Defines the interface for submitting GERs.

IsGERInjected(ger common.Hash) (bool, error)
InjectGER(ctx context.Context, ger common.Hash) error

3. EVMChainGERSender

Implements ChainSender using Ethereum clients and transaction management.


  • IsGERInjected: Verifies GER presence in the smart contract.
  • InjectGER: Submits the GER using the insertGlobalExitRoot method and monitors transaction status.

Smart Contract Integration


The AggOracle component automates the propagation of GERs from L1 to L2, enabling bridging across networks.

Refer to the EVM implementation in evm.go for guidance on building new chain senders.